
Showing posts from 2012

On Love

Christmas Presence

Yoga for a Lifetime: Yoga Sutra 3:6

Yoga Mind

Space for Yoga - Home Practice

Just Do It - Home Practice

The Here and Now

Letting Go

Inconvenient Truths

Dancing in the Woods

Layers of Being - The Five Koshas - Part V Ananda kosha

Layers of Being - The Five Koshas - Part IV Vijnana Kosha

Layers of Being - The Five Koshas - Part III Manas Kosha

Layers of Being - The Five Koshas - Part II Prana Kosha

Layers of Being - The Five Koshas - Part I Anna Kosha

The People We Want to Be

The Fire of Life

Making time to practice

Perhaps the World

You Are Dying

The Suffering League Table